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Succes of the big Mini-Company Sale: 550 young entrepreneurs at Belle-Étoile

On 28 February and 1 March, the Belle Étoile shopping centre was the scene of a unique entrepreneurial frenzy. The big ‘Mini-Company Sale ’, organised by Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg, in collaboration with the shopping centre, showcased the talent and innovation of 550 young people, representing 25 secondary schools across Luxembourg. With 110 mini-companies in attendance, this year’s event provided a real showcase for the entrepreneurial potential of future generations.

A weekend of innovation and exchange

From 9am on Friday morning, the students carefully set up and decorated their stands, offering visitors a wide range of innovative products and services. This initiative allowed them to put their sales skills into practice and meet real customers, a valuable experience for their future careers.

The event was also marked by the presence of two members of the government: Martine Hansen, Minister for Consumer Protection, and Claude Meisch, Minister for National Education, Children and Youth, who were keen to pay tribute to the commitment and dynamism of these young entrepreneurs.

The ‘Mini-Entreprises Pool Sale’ continued successfully throughout Saturday, attracting a large and enthusiastic crowd right up until the closing ceremony at 7pm.

Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg would like to thank all the participants, partners and visitors who contributed to the success of this year’s event. This great event confirms the vitality and talent of young Luxembourgish entrepreneurs.

LetzLearn mini-company: crowd favourite

During the two days of the sale, visitors were able to vote for their favourite mini-company by voting via an online form. In the end, the team ‘LetzLearn’, a mini-company from the Athénée de Luxembourg, won the prize. This team is developing an application aimed at teaching Luxembourgish and helping foreigners to acquire Luxembourgish nationality. The LetzLearn students won over the public not only with their product, but also with their proactive approach to meeting and convincing customers. As a reward, the team will receive a prize sponsored by Cactus.

JEL Alumni pick their favourites

The members of the JEL Alumni committee (former participants of the Jonk Entrepreneuren programmes) also visited the stands and chose their two favourites: one on Friday and one on Saturday. The winners were the mini-companies Lucillin from the Lycée Robert Schuman and Bloomique from the École Internationale Mondorf-les-Bains.

The Lucillin team, made up of four young girls, offers skin care products, including a facial cleanser, a moisturiser and a lip balm. The products, which are suitable for sensitive skin, are made from ingredients available in Luxembourg. Each product comes with an information sheet explaining the science behind its effectiveness.

The Bloomique team, made up of two young girls, sells creative flowers made from pipe cleaners. Ideal for allergy sufferers, these flowers are perfect for those who want to create unforgettable memories.

Mini-Companies, a stepping stone to the future

Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg’s ‘Mini-Company’ programme offers students aged 16 to 19 the opportunity to learn how to take a business idea from concept to reality.

By challenging students to solve a problem in their community through a business venture, the programme unleashes their entrepreneurial spirit and helps them discover their talents, passions and interests.

As the students experience running their own business, they are supported by a teacher and a coach from the business world. In this way, the mini-company programme breaks with the traditional image of the classroom: normally passive recipients, students become actors in their own projects throughout the school year.

At the same time, the students come into contact with several volunteers from the business world, who share their experiences and act as mentors. This gives students a better insight into the world of work and the skills required in the labour market.