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Innovation Camp with Eldoradio

“Launch a new Eldoradio application and website, targeting 15-25 year olds”. This was the title of the Business Challenge presented by Eldoradio to 40 high school students.

Twice a year, Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg organises its Innovation Camp, during which high school students aged 16 and over have the opportunity to seek a creative, sustainable and innovative solution to a “Business Challenge” submitted by a sponsor from the professional world.


The 26th Innovation Camp took place at Eldoradio’s headquarters on June 6. A total of 40 students from 14 different high schools took part in the event.

Divided into mixed teams, the participants discovered the challenge on the day and were given one day to brainstorm and present their solutions. For this edition, Eldoradio asked students to consider the following question:


“Digitising a media brand: Launch a new Eldoradio app and website, targeting 15-25 year olds.”

To guide them as effectively as possible in the design of their project, the participants were able to count on the support of several Eldoradio employees, who were happy to share their knowledge and experience:

  •      Tony Ewen, Director.
  •      Cynthia Meris, Head of Programs & Editor-in-Chief.
  •      Yamina Recht, Animator and Digital Content Manager.


By the end of the day, all 8 teams had to present their ideasto the jury composed of:

  • Delphine Nouviaire, Internal Communications Manager (RTL Group)
  • Sandra Bintz, Head of Digital Products & Deputy Content Director (RTL Lëtzebuerg)
  • Tom Weber, CTO (RTL Lëtzebuerg)

The first prize was awarded to the WebApp team, formed by Lilou Vallado (Ecole de Commerce et de Gestion), Mina Koudri (Lycée Aline Mayrisch), Rafael Sanches Costa (Lycée Technique de Lallange) and Timo Romeo (Lycée Michel Rodange). These young people re-imagined Eldoradio’s marketing strategy and proposed several improvements for the application, such as an easier connection thanks to FaceID and a reorganization of the various sections.

Second prize went to the YoungEldo team, including Anika Krein (Lycée Aline Mayrisch), Ashley Griffiths (Lycée Robert Schuman), Jamie Heusbourg (Lycée Classique de Diekirch) Kylian Furtado (Bouneweger Lycée Luxembourg) and Milan Imiolczykv (Lycée Michel Rodange). The team pitched the idea of creating an application with a personalised home page, a wider variety of music genres and new sections such as “Events” and “Student Jobs”.

Third prize went to the Micko team, made up of Ilias Jacobi (Lycée Michel Rodange), Léa Rodrigues (Lycée Aline Mayrisch), Mara Scheiter (Lycée Aline Mayrisch), Marie Hennes (Lycée Classique de Diekirch) and Tommy Jack (Lycée Michel Rodange). This team came up with an application for young people and a new mascot, Micko, to complement Eldoradio’s emblematic mascot, Chicco. In addition to news, events, podcasts and music sections, the application would also offer an AI microphone option, enabling users to ask a variety of questions about current affairs or submit their own freelance articles.

Tony Ewen, Managing Director of Eldoradio, explains why the taking part in the Innovation Camp, is important for Eldoradio: “I’m extremely impressed by the work these young people have accomplished in just one day. It’s essential for us to establish direct contact with our target customers. It’s not always easy to reach young people aged 15 to 25 and get their feedback on our brand. That’s why it was crucial for us to take part in such a programme. We thought it would be interesting to challenge them to constructive criticism. This is precisely what we want from young people, to understand what we can improve or change where possible. We will analyse their proposals and determine how to implement them.

Cynthia Teixeira, Innovation Camp coordinator and event manager at Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg, comments: “The Innovation Camp is a wonderful opportunity for high school students to put their creativity and innovative spirit into practice. I’m delighted to see the enthusiasm and commitment of the participants, who rose brilliantly to the challenge proposed by Eldoradio. Their solutions testify to their ability to think innovatively and sustainably. We are extremely proud of their work and look forward to seeing the impact of their ideas.