Collective Mini-Company Sale

The presence of 89 mini-companies testified to the entrepreneurial spirit of 450 young people
On March 1st and 2nd, the shopping gallery of Belle Etoile was the setting for an inspiring event: the “Collective Mini-Company Sale.” Organized by Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg in partnership with the Belle Etoile shopping center, this initiative allowed 89 national mini-companies to present their products and services to the general public.
This year, the event attracted the participation of over 450 students from 24 different schools, demonstrating the commitment of young Luxembourgers to entrepreneurship. From 2 p.m. on Friday, the stands were meticulously decorated by the students, offering passersby a multitude of innovative products and services.
The “Collective Sale” provided students with a unique platform to test their sales techniques and gain valuable experience in customer interaction. Sales continued successfully on Saturday from 9 a.m., attracting an enthusiastic crowd until the event closed at 7 p.m.
Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg is proud to announce the presence of two ministers at the event. Minister Martine Hansen attended the sale on Friday afternoon in her capacity as Minister for Consumer Protection, while Minister of Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch, participated in the event on Saturday morning.
This edition of the Mini-Company Sale was a real success, showing the vitality of entrepreneurship among young people in Luxembourg. Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg would like to warmly thank all the participants, partners, and visitors who contributed to the success of the event.
Mini-Company Matera: the public’s top choice
During the two days of sales, visitors had the possibility to choose their favorite mini-company by voting through an online form. In the end, the team “Matera”, a mini-company from Lycée Aline Mayrisch producing maté iced tea, won the public prize. This award grants the students a prize sponsored by Belle Etoile. The eight young members of the mini-company not only impressed with their product itself, but also with the proactivity with which they engaged with customers. During the sale, everyone who wanted to could taste the first Luxembourgish maté tea.
A lucky winner was also drawn from the participants in the voting. This winner will receive a product from the winning mini-enterprise as well as an invitation to the Mini-Company Final.

The JEL Alumni also selected their favourite stand…
The members of the JEL Alumni committee (former participants of Jonk Entrepreneuren programmes) also visited the stands and selected their favourite stand. The Grillsquare mini-company from the Lycée des Arts et Métiers won the prize for the best stand. The team of 6 students produces small portable barbecues. The barbecues work with charcoal and are intended to replace disposable barbecues. The barbecue can be easily carried in a backpack or on a bike, making it ideal for picnics and camping trips. The key to the portability of the barbecue lies in its ability to be easily disassembled, making it extremely compact for transportation. The students demonstrated the quick assembly and disassembly of the barbecue at their sales stand.