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Junior Project Awards

Secondary education

Tranche d'age : Age 12 to 19

Organised once a year, the Junior Project Awards (JPA) aim to highlight and reward all projects undertaken by high school students during the school year. The objective of the JPAs is to increase the visibility and awareness of the projects undertaken by young people.

It is a great opportunity for participants to present themselves and their project, but also to meet other teams, share their experiences & learnings and exchange with professionals from various sectors.

All projects submitted are welcome and can be cultural, charitable, ecological, entrepreneurial, etc. They can be cross-border in nature or be dealt with under one of the various European initiatives. They can also be carried out either at the school or at a company, an administration or an association. However, the project must be adapted to the abilities, affinities and interests of the pupils.

The JPA are open to students in classes 7 to 2 of general secondary education and of classical secondary education. Two competitions are organised: one for pupils in grades 7 to 5 and another for pupils in grades 4 to 2.

It is important to note that projects submitted to another Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg programme (e.g.: My first Enterprise, Mini-Entreprise, etc.) are not eligible for the Junior Project Awards.

Period: throughout the school year

This programme can be carried out together with the You(th)Start Challenges and is a preparation for other Jonk Entrepreneuren projects such as the Job Shadow Day, the Engineering Trainee Days, the Innovation Camp and the Young Enterprise Project.

Register your team until 3 may 2024