The first National Final of the Practice Enterprises

On Monday 10 July 2023, more than 150 students gathered for the first National Training Company Final, organised by the non-profit organisation Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg at the Chamber of Commerce.
10 finalist teams were chosen from a total of 21 companies from 13 secondary schools. During the final, the students presented their company, their apprenticeships and the challenges and successes of their business to a panel of judges. After the jury had deliberated, Mr Patrick Wies, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg, launched the prize-giving ceremony by encouraging the young people to be proud of everything they had achieved this year and urging them to continue developing their skills. The Minister for Education, Children and Youth, Mr Meisch, then congratulated not only the finalists, but above all all the pupils who had taken part in this year’s programme. In his speech, Mr Meisch said that it was through programmes of this kind that we can better prepare young people for their working lives with concrete skills and an insight into the day-to-day activities of a company.
Two prizes were awarded, namely Best Day-to-Day Management 2023 (taking into account criteria assessed throughout the school year) and Best Practice Enterprise 2023 (taking into account the results of Best Day-to-Day Management, the EE Fair in December, a social media challenge and presentations at the final).
The concept of the Practice Enterrise (L’Entreprise d’Entraînement – EE) has been around since the 1950s and has been implemented in many countries across a range of sectors (education, vocational training, vocational rehabilitation, etc.). In Luxembourg, the concept was introduced into the school curriculum as a compulsory course in 2006. Since then, the Practice Enterprise programme has been a course taught in the general secondary education – vocational training system – administrative and commercial division.

Students discover how a company works through a fictitious market
The Practice Enterprises are fictitious companies integrated into a global network constituting a real parallel market enabling them to undertake commercial actions between themselves by simulating the real market as closely as possible.
The aim of the EE is to put into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired in other courses and to acquire an overview of how a company operates. Interaction between the various departments and with external bodies is thus promoted. EE aims to prepare young people for the world of work through business practice.
This year, Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg has decided to organise a Practice Enterprise final for the first time, to give 10 finalist teams the opportunity to present the results of their work over the school year.

The jury
The 4-member jury – 2 representatives from the world of education and 2 representatives from the world of business – assessed the Practice Enterprises’ presentations in order to select the winners. For this final, Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg was able to benefit from the expertise of the following jury members:
- Blanche Lamesch – Chef de Service Promotion et Sensibilisation aux Métiers de la Chambre des Métiers
- Jean Toussaint – Chargé de Relations Entreprises/Service Corporate Banking de la Spuerkeess
- Paul Kohnen – Enseignant au Lycée Classique d’Echternach
- Tom Emeringer – Enseignant au Lycée Aline Mayrisch

The winners
- The prize for the Best Training Company 2023, 1st place, and the prize for the Best Daily Management were awarded to “Green Getaway” from the Lycée du Nord in Wiltz.
- 2nd place went to “Mapa sàrl” from the Lycée Technique du Centre.
- 3rd place went to “Bakstuff” from the Lycée Technique d’Ettelbruck.
- A “Jury’s Favourite” prize for the best presentation in the final was awarded to “Insane” from École Privée Marie-Consolatrice.